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iCan, the world's first 
15-day Continuous Glucose Monitoring System

iCan CGM offers you longer glucose monitoring for up to 15 days.
Manage your diabetes with more confidence and less effort.

Easier diabetes management

No scanning.
No fingerpricks.
View your glucose readings and trends anytime and anywhere.

Customizable glucose alerts

Set low and high glucose alerts that suit your target glucose
level and keep you informed of hyper and hypoglycemia.

More insights into your glucose readings

Offer multiple glucose analysis to easily know your glucosetrends and fluctuation.

. Today
. Multiple days
. Daily average
. Comparison
. 76%

Adaptable to various scenes of life

Incredibly compact and weight only 6g. Water resistant to 8 feetfor up to 2 hours. You can exercise,shower, swim, or even surf atease.


Product name

Sinocare ICan CGMs

Product model


Sensor life

Up to 15 days

Shelf life

Up to l year

Sensor glucose result range

36.0 mg/dL-450.0 mg/dL
(2.0-25.0 mmol/L)



Operating temperature &humidity

10*C to 42°C(50F to 1O8r)
10%-90%Relative humidity

Storage and transport
temperature &humidity

2C to 30℃(36F to 86)
10%-90%Relative humidity

Water resistance

IP28,up to a depth of 2.5 meters
(8ft)for up to 2 hours

Data communication range

6 meters (20 ft)unobstructed

Sensor dimensions


High Accuracy

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  • What if I don’t know what plan I need?

    • Click order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.